For over half a century, East Catholic High School has provided a transformative educational experience to its students through its commitment to academic excellence and service to the community. Habeeb & Associates Architects aided East Catholic High at an important time of self-study and strategic planning by developing a Master Plan that worked to fulfill their vision for the enhanced future and long-term sustainability of the school. Using conclusions drawn from the visioning sessions, and physical condition, space needs, and educational programming assessments, H&A developed two Master Plan options. After careful consideration and in-depth conversations with administration, faculty and staff, the following course was taken:
New Science, Math and Technology Wing – The new wing brought the entire Math, Science and Computer Technology departments together in one cohesive environment. It increased classroom, science lab and computer lab space and allowed East Catholic to reconfigure other areas of the main campus, further increasing program cohesion and quality while modernizing the overall facility.
Fine Arts Expansion – The current science labs were converted into performing and visual arts space, a renovation that brought the entire Fine Arts Department together. With these upgrades, the Fine Arts space became a central hub of creativity – a place where students fully express their thoughts, senses and intellect.
Main Campus Upgrades – The plan implemented upgrades to the overall enveÂlope of the main building. Energy efficient improvements were completed, as well as expanded professional meeting and office space.
Manchester, CT
Master Plan, Addition, Interior Revitalization
700 student, co-ed, Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Comprehensive Master Plan generated through intensive visioning process with administration, faculty and staff
13,000 sq. ft. new Science, Math, and Technology Wing
State-of-the-art educational spaces in a multidisciplinary and modern environment
Fine Arts expansion and rehabilitation
Energy efficient upgrades to building envelope and throughout the interiors